David Cotterrell
Underworld (Unicorn Theatre)   2004
PC, Custom Software and iLite LED screen, 4.0 x 2.5 x 1.8m

Commissioned as an integral and permanent component of the new Unicorn theatre for children on London’s South Bank, Underworld is an evolving yet permanent new media artwork. It takes the form of a LED screen that is embedded into the floor of the Unicorn’s foyer. The imagery of Underworld is algorithmically generated, rather than animated and shows a continuously evolving urban environment. Rendered cinematically in real-time according to mathematical instruction and parameters, the cityscapes will evolve in a way that is governed by principles extracted from competing twentieth century theories of urban design and town planning.

Placed just over one meter below the floor constructed from 24 tiles of Barco ILite 6 MD making a total area of 3.58m x 1.34m.